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Resource Center College Planning for Students with Disabilities
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Resource Center College Planning for Students with Disabilities

College Planning for Students with Disabilities

Tips relate to how to prepare while in high school, what to look for in a college, and steps to take once on campus.

College Planning for Students with Disabilities

Tips relate to how to prepare while in high school, what to look for in a college, and steps to take once on campus.

In high school, students with diagnosed disabilities typically receive services through a 504 Plan or an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). But those plans end at graduation. In the collegiate setting, obtaining services is voluntary and initiated solely by the student. Resources are determined on an individual basis according to current functional limitations.

To make a smoother transition to college, a student might want to focus on weaning off modifications in the later high school years. Having an IEP might mean that a student is graded differently or might have less work than peers, such as shorter papers or fewer questions for homework and tests. To prepare for college-level work, students may want to give themselves the same academic assignments as the students around them. 

Before leaving high school, students should begin developing their self-advocacy skills with their high school support network so that they can successfully navigate the process of accessing support services in college and beyond. Encouraging students to take control of both the college search and disability services application process is invaluable as it encourages the development of those skills. These processes may take some additional time, but the efforts will be well worth it when the student finds the school that is the best educational fit based on his or her needs.

Searching for a College

Finding the right college is an involved process. And for students with disabilities, the search includes understanding and locating the specific services and resources needed to academically excel. Schools are required to offer auxiliary aids that aim to create equal access to all students. As a result, each college and university has a plan in place to help students with disabilities succeed. The resources look a bit different than they do on the high school level, but with some advanced research, each student can find a school that is a good fit based on his or her needs and goals.

Gather this information during the college search:

  • Research support services offered at potential schools online
  • Take college tours and meet with admission representatives to ask about available supports
  • Identify whether specific support programs require a separate application
  • Determine if services are fee-based or free to all students

It is important to note that students do not need to disclose their disabilities during the college admissions process. Once admitted, students requesting accommodations can then apply for services by disclosing their disability and providing the appropriate documentation. It is not the responsibility of the college to reach out to students to inquire about the existence of disabilities.

Starting College

Students with a disability should find the resources and accommodations they will need in order to succeed once they get to campus.

Register with the Disability Office

Before the semester begins, register with your school’s disability office to document your needs and ensure that assistance will be available once you begin classes. Here are the steps in the process:

  • Submit an application to the disabilities office
  • Provide any necessary documentation regarding the disability, which could include psychoeducational/neuropsychological evaluations, medical history, and diagnostic information
  • Share the student’s IEP/504 Plan to demonstrate what services were helpful at the secondary level
  • Meet with a representative of the school to discuss needs, identify appropriate supports, and develop a 504 Plan

Talk to Your Professors

In terms of your classes, although the disability office will notify your professors that you are registered with them and will need accommodations, it is a good idea to speak with them directly and tell them what you will need in order to be successful. It’s important to note that accommodations cannot modify the fundamental nature of the course content since they are focused on ensuring equal access to the education as opposed to ensuring academic success.

Survey Your Surroundings

If you have a physical disability that may require a wheelchair, taking time before classes begin to familiarize yourself with what routes are easiest and what bathrooms are most accessible will make your first few weeks of classes much less stressful. Also, knowing what types of transportation are available near your college will come in handy for everything from running errands to going out with your friends. When finalizing your housing, you might think to reach out to the disability office because some schools offer accommodations that you might not expect, such as a private room.

Remember to do your research, find the services that work best for you, and advocate for yourself. Doing so will help ensure that your transition to college is the best it can be.