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Resource Center The Big Deal About the FSA ID

The Big Deal About the FSA ID

Understand the steps for getting an FSA ID, who needs an FSA ID, and additional tips for making the process easy.

The Big Deal About the FSA ID

Understand the steps for getting an FSA ID, who needs an FSA ID, and additional tips for making the process easy.

Completing the FAFSA this year? You’ll need to obtain a FAFSA username and password, called an FSA ID, at least a few days before you start the FAFSA. Each person who contributes information on the FAFSA will need their own FSA ID. See the Who Needs an FSA ID? section below to clarify who in your family needs to get one.

The FSA ID is important but simple and used to access a handful of federal financial aid websites, including You can also use the FSA ID to sign your Direct Loan Master Promissory Note, complete Direct Loan entrance counseling, and apply for loan repayment plans. And it never expires. Getting an FSA ID is straightforward, but it does require a few steps:

Steps to Create an FSA ID

  1. To begin, go to and click Get Started. You can get your FSA ID anytime, so you’re welcome to complete the process now. Just make sure you save your FSA ID in a safe and memorable place so that you’ll have it ready for the financial aid application process every year.
  2. Enter your first name, middle initial, last name, date of birth, and Social Security number. Make sure the name you enter matches the name on your Social Security card. Then click Continue. 
  3. On the next screen, create a username at least six characters long. Your username is not case sensitive. Enter your email address. Make sure to use one that you will have access to through college and beyond. Then, create a password according to the requirements.
  4. On the following screen, enter your mailing address and mobile phone number. Indicate whether you would like to use your mobile number for two-step verification and account recovery.
  5. Next, you’ll select your communication preferences (how you want to hear from Federal Student Aid) and your language preference (English or Spanish).
  6. Then, you’ll select four challenge questions and your answers, which will be used in case you forget your username or password. Each answer must be unique.
  7. Finally, you’ll review your information for accuracy, make any corrections, and accept the terms and conditions.
  8. Once you submit your information, you’ll have the opportunity to verify your mobile phone number (if you selected that option) and email address, so that you can use them in place of your username. You also have the option to set up an authenticator app for your account.
  9. Federal Student Aid will verify your personal information to make sure it matches what’s on record with the Social Security Administration.

Who Needs an FSA ID?

  • Remember, both the student and any parent reporting information on the FAFSA will need to complete this entire process. There’s one exception: if parents filed a joint tax return, only one parent needs an FSA ID.
  • If the parent on the FAFSA is married but filed taxes separately, the parent’s current spouse will also need an FSA ID.
  • Parents can use the same FSA ID to sign multiple FAFSAs, but again, every student applicant needs their own FSA ID.
  • If the student is in legal guardianship, the student will qualify as an independent student and will therefore only need to provide student information on the FAFSA (with no parent or legal guardian information required). Only the student in that case will need an FSA ID.
  • Our chart provides a visual explanation and includes direction for those without an SSN, information about getting an FSA ID when parents are divorced, separated, and/or remarried, and more.


  • Each email address can only be tied to one FSA ID. Same with each mobile phone number.
  • If you forget your FSA ID at any point, you can easily retrieve it. On the FSA ID login page, select Forgot My Username or Forgot My Password. You can opt to receive a code via mobile phone or email, or to answer your challenge questions. If none of these options work, you’ll need to call 800-4-FED-AID for assistance.
  • If you’re having trouble retrieving your FSA ID, don’t try to create a new one. Instead call 800-4-FED-AID for assistance.
  • Once you create an account for an FSA ID, you will need to wait a few days to start the FAFSA for your information to be matched with the Social Security Administration (SSA). Once a few days have passed, use your FSA ID to log in to Federal Student Aid. You will see it marked as verified if your identity has been confirmed and it’s been cleared to use.

For additional information on the process of obtaining an FSA ID, you can watch a short video here. If you’d like a visual demonstration of the steps, watch our How to Create Your FSA ID webinar. And remember, if you’re stuck at any point, give Federal Student Aid a call at 800-4-FED-AID or reach out to us at (800) 449-MEFA (6332) or [email protected].