Learn why it's important to keep grades high, maintain the 5 food groups of education, and sustain academic balance. …
By Bill McMurray    |
Learn why colleges use waitlists, when students are typically notified, how you can let the college know you are interested, and when you should submit a deposit. …
By Sherri Geller    |
When it came time for my son to apply to and select a college, I wanted to make sure I offered sound guidance to help him make his decision.…
By      |
It's recommended that the college admissions process be student-driven, but being a parent who tends to hover (admittedly) I found this difficult.…
By Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun    |
Learn more about the current process of applying to college (and seeking out financial aid), and what families can do to get through the process as successfully as possible.…
By Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun    |
Get tips on evaluating schools, details on each component of the college application, and resources to help you through the next several months.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn the difference between the SAT and ACT, which test to take, and how test re-takes work. …
By Lindsay Rosenman    |
Tips include researching institutions policies, considering if a school is transfer friendly, being self-aware, and giving yourself options. …
By Alexandra Hurd    |
Get tips to support students no matter where they get accepted to college. …
By Jennifer Legg Gabel    |
Tips are focused on the college list, the timeline, an organizational tool, the essay, and letters of recommendation, …
By Lisa Rooney    |