Find out the acceptance rate, graduation rate, total student enrollment, average cost after financial aid, typical annual alumnus/a income 10 years after enrollment, typical total student debt after graduation, and typical monthly loan payment all in one easily accessible place.…
By Lauren Danz    |
Read up on several resources the Common App provides on its website to help you create an account, add an advisor, watch videos, search for schools, set up a practice account, complete the application, reach out for assistance, and connect on social media. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Get an early start on tasks like evaluating testing plans, visiting college campuses, finalizing a balanced college list, preparing recommendations, writing the college essay, designing a financial plan, starting applications, preparing for interviews, and fulfilling any specific requirements…
By Alicia Linsey    |
Students can learn how to use social media to their advantage in the college admissions process by following these tips, including googling yourself, thinking before you post, and making connections with colleges and other students. …
By Ajea Stupart    |
These questions can help students as they begin the college search, including what are my post-secondary goals, what academic opportunities are important to me, what careers interest me, what learning environment fits me best, and what off-campus, extracurricular, and social opportunities am I interested in pursuing?…
By Meredith Clement    |
Andrew Carter encourages parents to begin the college search process by thinking about the qualities and skills they want their son or daughter to have in order to be successful when they begin their college career and laying out these goals in a list.…
By Andrew Carter    |
Learn the difference between financial need-based and merit aid and how to optimize your chances at receiving them, and consider schools with a low sticker price.…
By Julie Shields-Rutyna    |
To successfully navigate college fairs, prepare beforehand, map it out, connect with admissions representatives, and be open to new schools.…
By Alicia Linsey    |
Gap years often teach participants a skill, and can either require a fee or earn the participant money.…
By Sherri Geller    |
With college acceptance season in full swing, your son or daughter may be the recipient of a waitlist notification.…
By Meredith Clement    |