Review this list of tasks to complete with your 11th grader to help you prepare for the college admissions process and start planning for the future.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how a high school athlete hoping to play sports in college can communicate that interest, how recruiting works, and how athletic scholarships are awarded. …
By Reis Hagerman, Meredith Clement    |
Tips include don't wait until spring to submit your application, send a complete application packet so as to not delay your acceptance, and complete your FAFSA…
By Kimberly Odusami    |
Use the College Scorecard to learn about a school's student body, cost, financial aid, student debt figures, average annual cost, graduation rate, and salary of alumni.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how to link your PSAT score report to Khan Academy for a free and personalized plan for SAT practice based on your strengths and the skills and knowledge you need to improve upon. …
By Julie Shields-Rutyna    |
Tips include know what content to expect, be strategic with your time, plan ahead for when you'd like to take the test, and know about free ACT prep resources…
By Rose Babington    |
Learn how to complete the additional information section, activities section, and university member page. …
By Nicole Kelman    |
Tips include proofreading, thoroughly reading the essay question, making it personal, avoiding plagiarizing, and using smart vocabulary. …
By Ajea Stupart    |
Tips include doing research, visiting each school's website, taping into alumni, sending thank you emails, and more.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Get involved by letting your child know you care, reminding them that it is their search process, helping them see past the marketing, and researching financing options and post-graduation outcomes. …
By Andrew Carter    |