Tips include getting a letter of recommendation from a shop teacher, including any certifications and licensing, looking into programs that have a technical focus, and exploring MassTransfer. …
By Jan Marie Combs    |
Take advantage of the guidance that school counselors provide by attending events they host, being proactive and initiating a conversation with them, and having them write a letter of recommendation that puts personality and dimension behind the student's grades. …
By Jennifer Legg Gabel    |
If you think your child might be a good fit for trade school, you should think about your child's skills and learning style and if they enjoy a more hands-on learning environment, consider the most common jobs associated with trade school graduates and if they would be a match for one, and look at the options for trade schools nearby to see if one fits your child's interests. …
By Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun    |
We share the many great ways that school counselors assist students, such as hosting admissions events, and what you can do to show your appreciation, such as writing a thank you note or dropping by their office. …
By Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun    |
A parent of a high school junior discusses making a list of schools, planning campus visits, attending college fairs, and considering post-graduation possibilities such as a gap year or a community college. …
By Mary Rubenis    |
The director of a dual enrollment program discusses how his program began, how it is sponsored, how students are accepted, what courses are covered, and how the transfer process works. …
By Wesley Carter    |
As the demand for workers with computer science expertise continues to grow, Jenny Caccavale from the College Board shares her thoughts on how students can prepare for STEM-related college courses, such as taking Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles.…
By Jenny Caccavale    |
Learn how parents of middle schoolers can get involved in their children's school, why it's important, and what middle school students can do now to set themselves up for a successful future.…
By Luz Miranda, Meredith Clement    |
Learn how to make reading fun by reading together, using technology, and more. …
By Sherri Galego, Lynda Canal    |
Items include knowing the number of years until each of your children start college, talking about college a lot, and stressing that college is an honor and an investment. …
By Penelope Hauck    |