Students can use the My Journal feature, a tool inspired by the MyCAP model, to record their thoughts, reactions, and decisions as they progress through activities within MEFA Pathway. …
By Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun    |
Topics include switching the application type, reasons not to apply EA and ED, chances of acceptance, financial aid, and repercussions on not accepting an ED offer.…
By Andrew Carter    |
Counselors can learn about the FAFSA Completion Tool, what it shows you, how to use and access it, and how this tool can help you take school-wide action when it comes to getting students to complete the FAFSA.…
By Christine Scafidi Luzi , Nyal Fuentes    |
Tips include knowing the total cost of the loan, having good credit, reading the fine print, understanding that all borrowers have equal responsibility, and choosing the option that is best for your family. …
By Stephanie Wells    |
Learn about Blackstone Valley Education Foundation, how they create the programs, what criteria students must adhere to, how many students participate, and what the benefits of the program are for students, local businesses, and community partners. …
By Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun    |
If you're getting a late start on saving for college, consider a college savings account, take advantage of college gifting, have your child contribute, adjust your strategy, and review your investment options. …
By Lauren Danz    |
Learn what a post-grad program is, the length of the program, reasons why a student might attend a post-grad program, the admissions process, and more. …
By Shaun Connolly, Penelope Hauck    |
Steps including selecting a college savings program, deciding how much and how often to save, and getting family and friends involved. …
By Jonathan Hughes    |
Topics explained include the amount to borrow, monthly payment, application timeline, application process, and getting the loan funds…
By Meredith Clement    |
Middle school students can explore financial literacy topics within MEFA Pathway, including money management goals, credit card basics, and creating a budget. …
By Apelila Joseph    |