Learn what North Shore EOC does, how they deliver their services, what success means to them, and how to contact them. …
By Shaun Connolly    |
Questions include how private loans for undergraduate students work, how much undergraduates can borrow, if you need a co-borrower for undergraduate loans, and if you can get an undergraduate student loan with bad credit. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn about the tax consequences if 529 funds are used for an unqualified expense, what the exceptions to the penalty are, and how to redeposit 529 funds returned from a college. …
By Jonathan Hughes    |
Learn about student loan deferment, how it differs from forbearance, if it could impact your credit score, what to consider when deferring, and how to request deferment. …
By Lisa Rooney    |
Learn about the modifications to the FAFSA, including reducing the number of questions, modifying the treatment of families with more than one child in college, and changing the name of the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) to the Student Aid Index (SAI). …
By Elizabeth Fontaine    |
Learn how to find a college that is strong for a particular major or interest, the average cost of a college application, when to start filling in the Common App, and how long the college essay should be. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Prepayments will now count as a qualifying payment, lump sum payments will now count for as many qualifying payments as they cover, and borrowers must now complete only one form to apply for loan forgiveness. …
By Shaun Connolly    |
MEFA offers many resources including live webinars, videos, blogs, podcasts, a website with calculators and tools, 1-on-1 appointments, college savings plans, college loans, a savings plan for individuals with disabilities, and The MEFA Institute. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how to select allocations for maturity years, how to choose a maturity year, and the difference between saving in one or multiple maturity years. …
By Jonathan Hughes    |
See which schools have recently joined MEFA Pathway, what they have to say about it, and how you can use this platform yourself. …
By Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun    |