We break down the SAI formula, including how to determine both your Parent Contribution and Student Contribution based on income and assets. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Before borrowing, take into consideration what you expect to make in your first job, what your loan payment will look like when you graduate, and what you estimate your other future expenses to be. …
By Lisa Rooney    |
Before you designate one college as your ultimate dream school, consider if it's realistic, if the school has programs you are interested in, if the school can provide you with the resources needed to succeed, if you'll be satisfied in the long run, and if it's the right financial fit. …
By Ajea Stupart    |
Resources include The College Planning Tool, College Savings Calculator, College Savings Tips, Saving for College Webinar, MEFA's U.Fund 529 College Investing Plan, and MEFA's U.Plan Prepaid Tuition Program…
By Lisa Rooney    |
Tips for a healthy credit score include pulling your free annual credit report, identifying the credit score you have and the credit score you need, knowing how your credit score is calculated, and raising your score if necessary. …
By Jonathan Hughes    |
Facts include you must complete a process called Entrance Counseling, The Master Promissory Note (MPN) is a legal document that must be signed by the loan borrower, only the student is the sole borrower, there are origination fees and both annual and lifetime amounts, and you have multiple repayment options. …
By Jonathan Sparling    |
Take the PSAT, visit college campuses, determine your high school course plan, know what AP & IB classes and extracurricular activties to take, find out GPA requirements, take to family members about their college experiences, and talk with your family about college payment expectations.…
By Shaun Connolly    |
Make 120 eligible payments while working for an eligible employer, it doesn't matter what you do for a living, don't consolidate unless you are required to, submit your proof of employment annually, and don't pay more than you have to.…
By Betsy Mayotte    |
In honor of College Decision Day, MEFA staff members shared how they made their final decision of where to attend college and the factors that contributed to that decision, including cost, location, programs offered, and campus size. …
By MEFA Staff    |
A college student shares the steps he took to decide on a college major, including recognizing what he enjoys doing, asking for feedback, and matching his interests with careers. …
By Keondre' McClay    |