To successfully navigate college fairs, prepare beforehand, map it out, connect with admissions representatives, and be open to new schools.…
By Alicia Linsey    |
The U.Plan provides a lock-in of tuition and mandatory fees, guaranteed growth, no risk, and tax benefits, and is available to use at any college.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn about payment plans, an interest free way to pay for college costs over the span of several months, and how you can enroll in one with your college.…
By Jonathan Hughes    |
The tool provides students a monthly student loan payment and total loan cost based on a potential loan amount borrowed. Then, it assesses the ease of repayment based on a chosen career.…
By Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun    |
Gap years often teach participants a skill, and can either require a fee or earn the participant money.…
By Sherri Geller    |
Learn how financial aid can significantly lower a college's price tag.…
By Jonathan Hughes    |
Tips include post a professional photo, add classes and activities, connect with thought leaders, get recommendations, and be honest.…
By Ajea Stupart    |
You may see Subsidized or Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans, a MA No Interest Loan, or a PLUS Loan.…
By Stephanie Wells    |
You may be eligible for a MA college savings tax deduction or dependent care expenses credit.…
By Sherri Galego, Alisa Wade    |
Pay attention to housing, the dining hall, transportation, safety, the social scene, and academics.…
By Shaun Connolly    |