Learn about work-study, how to find private scholarships, how a payment plan works, and more.…
By Meredith Clement    |
A student shares how community college provided her with opportunities, helped her figure out her path, and saved her money on a college education. …
By Marisol Chase    |
Learn about IDOC, a service used by colleges and universities across the country to collect financial forms, including tax returns, W-2s, and 1099s from families applying for financial aid.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how the appeals process works, reasons a student should appeal, and reasons a student should not appeal. …
By Susan Beard    |
Learn what demonstrated interest is, why it's important for college admissions, how to demonstrate interest, and how schools measure interest. …
By Maddie Brodeur, Julie Shields-Rutyna    |
Learn what colleges are looking for, how parents may be overstepping in their role, and how parents can help. …
By Erin Baffuto    |
Learn about the benefits of a gap year, what you need to know beforehand, the financial considerations, gap year options, and where you can get more information. …
By Gail Holt    |
Tips include planning ahead, doing research, mapping out the fair, speaking with admissions representatives, and being open to possibilities. …
By Alicia Linsey    |
College can be more affordable through dual enrollment, transfer agreements, college partnerships, and Tuition Break. …
By Martha Savery    |
Tasks include registering for classes, figuring out housing, re-applying for financial aid, signing up for a meal plan, applying for special programs and job opportunities, and finishing strong.…
By Meredith Clement    |