Learn how to create a balanced college list by focusing on likability, affordability and admissibility. …
By Myra Ross    |
As a high school junior, it's important to look ahead to the college admissions season and begin to prepare academically now.…
By      |
Tips include setting a budget, living like a student, doing things that are free, using your student ID for discounts, and not living on credit. …
By Meredith Clement    |
September is College Savings Month! To celebrate, we'll be sharing great info/guidance all month long to encourage you to start saving for college now.…
By Lisa Rooney    |
Learn about the Origination Fee, the cost associated with borrowing a Federal Direct Student Loan and some private loans.…
By Lisa Rooney    |
Tasks include finalizing the college list, writing the college essay, registering for the fall SAT/ACT, ensuring teacher recommendations have been secured, and planning last-minute college visits…
By Meredith Clement    |
Saving for college and running a race have similarities, including establishing goals, setting new benchmarks, and letting time be on your side. …
By Penelope Hauck    |
Tips include choosing a topic that appeals to you, brainstorming, writing multiple drafts, having a good opening, middle, and conclusion, and getting feedback. …
By Jennifer Desjarlais    |
Your loan servicer can provide guidance and assistance. Learn how to find out who your loan servicer is if you have a Federal Direct Student Loan. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Tips include not being afraid to switch classes, finding a study partner, building a relationship with your professor, not rushing to buy books, and avoiding procrastination. …
By Bianca Crockett, Jennifer Ramos    |