Learn about this form that must be completed by an individual seeking to borrow a private education loan.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Steps include leveraging your savings, utilizing an interest-free monthly payment plan, and considering education loans. …
By Lisa Rooney    |
Details include providing clear information up front, offering the lowest rates possible, helping families minimize debt, and being the authority you can trust. …
By Stephanie Wells    |
Learn how an Application and Solicitation Disclosure can provide facts on the interest rate, fees, repayment options, and eligibility criteria. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn the differences between early action and early decision and things to consider before applying. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how your credit score can effect your loan rate when using tiered pricing. …
By Meredith Clement    |
A monthly payment on a loan with a fixed interest rate will remain the same, while a monthly payment on a loan with a variable interest rate will fluctuate throughout the loan's lifetime. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn about College Navigator, a college search tool that provides statistics and information on practically every U.S. college and university, including admissions requirements, academic programs, enrollment numbers, and student services. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Advice includes be involved and start saving as soon as you can for college, save as much as you can, and don't be deterred from that goal…
By Tom Graf    |
Other factors to consider are if the rate is fixed or variable, if the rate is tied to your credit score, if there is an origination fee, and what the repayment options are. …
By      |