A MEFA presenter shares why families often wish they started planning for college earlier and how it's never too early to start saving for college. …
By Julie Shields-Rutyna    |
Tips focus on student loans, budgeting, credit cards, and credit score…
By Lisa Rooney    |
Some helpful reminders for high school juniors and their parents when preparing for the college admissions process…
By Julie Shields-Rutyna    |
Topics include the benefits of studying abroad, how to pay for it, how costs compare to home institution prices, and how studying abroad shapes careers…
By      |
Guidance includes how admissions offices view the transcript, why academic opportunities are important, and how teacher recommendations are viewed…
By Jennifer Desjarlais    |
Learn who the loan borrower is, how the funds get to the school, what to do if you are not approved for a private loan, and more. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how to figure out what you owe, how to budget for indirect costs, and which expenses 529 accounts can cover. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how to update a FAFSA, where to get a tax transcript, and how to report scholarships. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn what to do if you haven't yet received your financial aid offer, why the offers may differ at each college, how work-study works, how to communicate special circumstances, and more. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn about Federal Direct Loans including when the interest rate is determined, how interest accumulates, the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans. …
By Meredith Clement    |