Use this tool to keep track of school names, admissions deadlines, required standardized tests (if any), required financial aid applications, financial aid deadlines, and notes.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Before you designate one college as your ultimate dream school, consider if it's realistic, if the school has programs you are interested in, if the school can provide you with the resources needed to succeed, if you'll be satisfied in the long run, and if it's the right financial fit. …
By Ajea Stupart    |
Take the PSAT, visit college campuses, determine your high school course plan, know what AP & IB classes and extracurricular activties to take, find out GPA requirements, take to family members about their college experiences, and talk with your family about college payment expectations.…
By Shaun Connolly    |
Take advantage of the guidance that school counselors provide by attending events they host, being proactive and initiating a conversation with them, and having them write a letter of recommendation that puts personality and dimension behind the student's grades. …
By Jennifer Legg Gabel    |
Get an early start on tasks like evaluating testing plans, visiting college campuses, finalizing a balanced college list, preparing recommendations, writing the college essay, designing a financial plan, starting applications, preparing for interviews, and fulfilling any specific requirements…
By Alicia Linsey    |
Andrew Carter encourages parents to begin the college search process by thinking about the qualities and skills they want their son or daughter to have in order to be successful when they begin their college career and laying out these goals in a list.…
By Andrew Carter    |
To successfully navigate college fairs, prepare beforehand, map it out, connect with admissions representatives, and be open to new schools.…
By Alicia Linsey    |
Gap years often teach participants a skill, and can either require a fee or earn the participant money.…
By Sherri Geller    |
Pay attention to housing, the dining hall, transportation, safety, the social scene, and academics.…
By Shaun Connolly    |
With college acceptance season in full swing, your son or daughter may be the recipient of a waitlist notification.…
By Meredith Clement    |