Tips include getting a letter of recommendation from a shop teacher, including any certifications and licensing, looking into programs that have a technical focus, and exploring MassTransfer. …
By Jan Marie Combs    |
Take advantage of the guidance that school counselors provide by attending events they host, being proactive and initiating a conversation with them, and having them write a letter of recommendation that puts personality and dimension behind the student's grades. …
By Jennifer Legg Gabel    |
Middle school students can create an account, view suggested activities by grade level, play fun games that facilitate exploration and discovery, build the foundation for a resume, and document their journey as they grow their aptitudes and accomplishments. …
By Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun    |
If you think your child might be a good fit for trade school, you should think about your child's skills and learning style and if they enjoy a more hands-on learning environment, consider the most common jobs associated with trade school graduates and if they would be a match for one, and look at the options for trade schools nearby to see if one fits your child's interests. …
By Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun    |
A parent of a high school junior discusses making a list of schools, planning campus visits, attending college fairs, and considering post-graduation possibilities such as a gap year or a community college. …
By Mary Rubenis    |
A mother of three discusses when she started saving for college, expecting her children to contribute toward college costs, talking to her children about helping save for college, and tips to help families save. …
By Meredith Clement, Penelope Hauck    |
The director of a dual enrollment program discusses how his program began, how it is sponsored, how students are accepted, what courses are covered, and how the transfer process works. …
By Wesley Carter    |
Create a strategy by providing the ages of your children, recording your current college savings account value and your monthly contribution, reporting your Adjusted Gross Income, and completing the activities for each grade level's Passport for Success.…
By Julie Shields-Rutyna    |
Take your standardized tests, write your essay, get your letters of recommendation, complete your applications, apply for financial aid, and select your college.…
By Marlene Sabeh    |
Students can use MEFA Pathway this summer to engage in college planning activities specific to their grade level such as taking Get to Know Yourself assessments, creating a Profile, building a Career List, adding Goals and Strategies, creating a College List, building a Scholarship List, and using the Application Manager. …
By Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun    |