Learn how one family used The U.Plan to pay for 100% of their daughter's college tuition and mandatory fees. …
By Martha Savery    |
Learn how to open a 529 plan, which expenses they cover, which schools they can be used at, and who can open one. …
By Lisa Rooney    |
Parents who have successfully saved in the U.Plan Prepaid Tuition Program discuss the value and flexibility of the U.Plan and savings strategies. …
By Martha Savery    |
Learn how the U.Plan Prepaid Tuition Program allows you to use Tuition Certificates to lock in a percentage of today's tuition and mandatory fee costs at participating schools. …
By Angelina Mancini    |
Benefits of the U.Plan include locking in up to 100% of tuition and fees and getting the money back with interest even if the student doesn't attend a participating school.…
By Martha Savery    |
Reasons include kids getting more expensive, loved ones wanting to help, money having more time to grow, the time needed to plan, and the potential need to cut back later…
By Kathryn Flynn    |
Helpful tips on how to pay for college.…
By      |
Facts include that calculators differ at each college, the output is only an estimate, they don't take special circumstances into account, they may not present all financial aid opportunities, and they are not the financial aid application. …
By Meredith Clement    |
September is College Savings Month! To celebrate, we'll be sharing great info/guidance all month long to encourage you to start saving for college now.…
By Lisa Rooney    |
Saving for college and running a race have similarities, including establishing goals, setting new benchmarks, and letting time be on your side. …
By Penelope Hauck    |