Tips include using net price calculators, finding colleges that want you, learning about merit aid options, researching alumni earnings, asking questions on tours, and considering community colleges…
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn the process for college tours, including how to check in, what will be covered, how many families will be with you, how long the tour will last, what you'll see, who you'll meet, and what you may receive at the end. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Social media can be great for research, connecting with admitted students, and getting an authentic glimpse of campus life, but it's important to consider privacy and appropriateness as well. …
By Sara Calvert-Kubrom    |
Learn about Colleges That Change Lives and how they help students tackle the college admissions process by focusing on criteria important to each student, all types of institutions, and the skill set employers look for in young employees.…
By Maria Furtado    |
Before you designate one college as your ultimate dream school, consider if it's realistic, if the school has programs you are interested in, if the school can provide you with the resources needed to succeed, if you'll be satisfied in the long run, and if it's the right financial fit. …
By Ajea Stupart    |
Learn about online colleges and degree programs, what they offer, what advantages they provide, how they're structured, and how they compare to a traditional college. …
By Lauren Danz    |
We interview a recent high school graduate on when she knew singing was her passion, how she decided to pursue music in college, what the college search and admissions process is like for a music major, and what her college coursework will look like. …
By Kathryn Holt, Julie Shields-Rutyna    |
Our checklist includes checking the College Scorecard to learn about affordability and value, using a school's Net Price Calculator to determine the financial aid you could receive, and reading through admissions and financial aid websites to learn about merit scholarship and different financing opportunities. …
By Amy Staffier    |
Find out the acceptance rate, graduation rate, total student enrollment, average cost after financial aid, typical annual alumnus/a income 10 years after enrollment, typical total student debt after graduation, and typical monthly loan payment all in one easily accessible place.…
By Lauren Danz    |
Get an early start on tasks like evaluating testing plans, visiting college campuses, finalizing a balanced college list, preparing recommendations, writing the college essay, designing a financial plan, starting applications, preparing for interviews, and fulfilling any specific requirements…
By Alicia Linsey    |