Learn about what to do if you're a student experiencing depression, including talking to someone at the college health center, establishing a line of communication, being aware of your limits, connecting with a support group, taking care of yourself physically, and making time for fun activities. …
By Jennifer Bento-Pinyoun    |
Our tips for avoiding summer melt include heading to campus, staying connected, remaining diligent, talking it out, and having family meetings. …
By Ajea Stupart    |
The College Navigator Program offered through Easter Seals helps to connect students with a disability to an individual to help them with things like classwork organization and timelines, finding resources on campus, or processing social relationships and conflicts.…
By Mary Rubenis    |
Other options besides college include trade schools, community college, developing a skill, going into the military, starting a business, or going right into the workforce.…
By Ajea Stupart    |
Tips include learning time management, preparing for the worst, taking care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally, knowing when to ask for help, and assessing the risk before making decisions. …
By Keondre' McClay    |
Take the PSAT, visit college campuses, determine your high school course plan, know what AP & IB classes and extracurricular activties to take, find out GPA requirements, take to family members about their college experiences, and talk with your family about college payment expectations.…
By Shaun Connolly    |
A college student shares the steps he took to decide on a college major, including recognizing what he enjoys doing, asking for feedback, and matching his interests with careers. …
By Keondre' McClay    |
A college senior shares his tips, including utilizing the career development center, getting help with your resume, creating a LinkedIn profile, attending networking events, and working on interviewing skills. …
By Brett Rutyna    |
Advice includes being prepared to be called on in class, going over reading material and assigned cases, creating study outlines, and forgoing a part-time job to fit in more study hours. …
By Bianca Crockett    |
Tips include ask yourself if you want to become a lawyer, talk to an expert, take time off, have a list of schools that interest you, and study and take the LSAT. …
By Bianca Crockett    |