We partner with school counselors and college access professionals throughout the year to help provide information and guidance to families as they plan for college.…
By Meredith Clement    |
When building a balanced college list, consider academics, the social scene, admissibility, and affordability.…
By Julie Shields-Rutyna    |
Read our tips on buying textbooks, budgeting, dining, credit cards, debit cards, and bank accounts. …
By Meredith Clement    |
For all of the entering first-year students out there anticipating this upcoming new stage in your lives, here is some advice on what you need to know before you head to college.…
By Bianca Crockett    |
Review our tips on drop-off day, campus resources, FERPA, and letting go. …
By Martha Savery    |
Tips include setting a budget, living like a student, doing things that are free, using your student ID for discounts, and not living on credit. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Tasks include finalizing the college list, writing the college essay, registering for the fall SAT/ACT, ensuring teacher recommendations have been secured, and planning last-minute college visits…
By Meredith Clement    |
Tips include not being afraid to switch classes, finding a study partner, building a relationship with your professor, not rushing to buy books, and avoiding procrastination. …
By Bianca Crockett, Jennifer Ramos    |