Learn all about the CSS Profile including what the CBFinAid ID is, how to add schools after submitting, how to correct mistakes, how to report 529 accounts, and more. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how to find out when your financial aid applications, such as the FAFSA® and CSS Profile®, are due and why you should complete them as soon as possible once they are available. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn what the FAFSA is, how you apply, when it's due, if there are income limits, how to make corrections, and more. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn what the financial applications are, when to send the FAFSA to colleges, if independent students get more aid, if aid is available for international students, and when you will receive your financial aid. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn if there are considerations for parents over 65 years of age, if there is a cost of living adjustment based on geography, if child support is considered income on the FAFSA, and more.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Resources include the FAFSA Festival, Mass.gov/financialaid, MassEdCO, MEFA's Understanding the FAFSA webinar, and Federal Student Aid's videos. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn about the modifications to the FAFSA, including reducing the number of questions, modifying the treatment of families with more than one child in college, and changing the name of the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) to the Student Aid Index (SAI). …
By Elizabeth Fontaine    |
Learn about college opportunities, including scholarships and financial aid, for undocumented students.…
By Andrea Keenan    |
Questions include does applying for financial aid hurt my chances for admission, what if my parents don't have an SSN, and how do I fill out the FAFSA when my parents are divorced? …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how to report joint accounts, what to do if a parent is also in school, how schools consider your cost of living, and when to submit financial aid applications. …
By Meredith Clement    |