Tips include apply on time, submit the correct applications, update your colleges with changes, comply with Verification, and submit separate applications for merit aid…
By Meredith Clement    |
Topics include defining the SAI, the SAI formula, where to find your SAI, and multiple SAIs.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how the process works for twins, which 529 plans to report, who should be the custodial parent, how to include special circumstances, and more. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Retirement savings are not reported on the FAFSA, but they are reported on the CSS Profile, meaning they could potentially affect your financial aid offer at certain schools. …
By Lauren Danz    |
Learn what we mean by "special or extenuating circumstances," what qualifies as a special or extenuating circumstance, what you need to submit to your college, and when to submit it. …
By Jonathan Sparling    |
We answer frequently asked questions including does a student get ignored for financial aid if the family has a college savings account, how does a college savings account affect my eligibility for financial aid, will the financial aid amount change once the school learns of my college savings account, and what happens if my grandparents save for my college? …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn about SAP Criteria and Examples, what happens if you do not meet a college's SAP standards, common myths about SAP, and how to stay on track. …
By Caitlin Laurie    |
We provide tips on how you should file the FAFSA, who you should contact at the colleges you are applying to, which loans you can borrow, and what scholarships to apply for. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Question topics include work-study, other real estate, legal guardianship, savings bonds, loan interest rates, businesses, parent credit, and transgender students…
By Meredith Clement    |
Mistakes include missing a school's deadline, putting parent info in the student section, using a nickname, forgetting to add schools, and using the wrong Social Security number.…
By Meredith Clement    |