Make 120 eligible payments while working for an eligible employer, it doesn't matter what you do for a living, don't consolidate unless you are required to, submit your proof of employment annually, and don't pay more than you have to.…
By Betsy Mayotte    |
We discuss work study, the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship, how scholarships affect financial aid, subsidized vs unsubsidized loans, Federal Direct Loan limits and interest rates, MA state aid, and how to use your college savings funds. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Facts include that payment application is dictated by federal regulation, paying extra results in a "paid ahead" status, paying extra can save you money over time, sometimes accrued interest can capitalize, and sometimes it's okay if your payment amount is less than your accrued interest. …
By Betsy Mayotte    |
Next steps include signing the MEFA Loan Agreement (MLA) and Self-Certification Form, having the college certify the loan, setting up an account with our servicer American Education Services (AES), returning excess funds, and making voluntary payments if you wish to do so. …
By Stephanie Wells    |
MEFA is excited to be a part of, which includes information on financial aid and scholarships, guidance on establishing a college savings account, and a streamlined search engine to help students and parents find education loans through non-profit and state-chartered organizations.…
By Lauren Danz    |
Your student may need to complete federal loan requirements, ensure private scholarships and payment plans have credited the account, submit documentation to the financial aid office, or follow up with your private loan lender.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how to use the Student Loan Payment Calculator to find out your projected monthly payment and total loan cost based on the amount you plan to borrow, the interest rates for all five repayment options, and the length of repayment.…
By Meredith Clement    |
A UMass Amherst graduate breaks down his plan - including tackling private loans first, consolidating federal loans, switching to an income-based repayment plan, and factoring loans into an overall monthly budget. …
By Sean Hauter    |
Find out how the application process works, who the borrower is, how the total cost differs, what the grace period is, and how borrowers can get help with financial hardships. …
By Stephanie Wells    |
We walk you through the steps of applying for a MEFA Loan, including adding a co-borrower, retrieving an application, selecting repayment terms, and e-signing. …
By Meg Villavicencio    |