We explain why it is still important to save for college if you have the ability to do so, how the market has reacted in the past to similar situations, and other ways to save for college that are not subject to market fluctuation. …
By Jonathan Hughes    |
Tips include using a college savings account, starting small, involving your children in the process, taking advantage of gifting, setting up automatic deposits, and diversifying your investments. …
By MEFA     |
We interview the Director of College Planning at MEFA to learn the benefits of opening both a U.Plan and U.Fund, including why she chose to open both accounts, why someone might lean towards one account over another, and what advice she would give to families now. …
By Lauren Danz    |
Use the Maturity Year Selection Guide to find the years your child will attend college, and then designate at least $300 of savings to each year…
By Meredith Clement    |
A mother of two lists the reasons why she decided to start saving in the U.Plan Prepaid Tuition Program, including a long list of affiliated colleges and safeguarding against rising tuition costs, and how the program has benefited her family.…
By Sue Metcalf    |
The U.Plan provides a lock-in of tuition and mandatory fees, guaranteed growth, no risk, and tax benefits, and is available to use at any college.…
By Meredith Clement    |
By saving in the U.Plan today, you can guarantee that you'll lock in a portion (up to 100%!) of today's current rates on tuition and mandatory fees at over 70 colleges and universities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Reasons include tax savings, locked-in college costs, safety and reliability, choice, flexibility, and no fees…
By Anna Devlin    |
If you have a college savings plan, including a U.Fund College Investing Plan or a U.Plan Prepaid Tuition Program, get the details on how to access your savings.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Do you know about the U.Plan, Massachusetts' Prepaid Tuition Program? The U.Plan provides families a powerful and unique way to set aside money for college, and offers so much more than a regular savings account. Read on to learn five of the U.Plan's great benefits.…
By Meredith Clement    |