Financial Aid

What is the FAFSA?

Learn when the FAFSA opens, how to get an FSA ID, what information you must list on the FAFSA, and how to submit it to schools.
man using laptop to complete the FAFSA

On October 1st, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) opens for current and incoming college students interested in applying for financial aid for the upcoming academic year. For those of you new to the financial aid process, or anyone else who'd like an overview, here's a quick intro to the FAFSA:

  • The FAFSA is the application required by all colleges distributing federal or state financial aid, which is practically every school in the nation, so even if the colleges to which you're applying require other financial aid applications, you'll still have to complete the FAFSA.
  • Before completing the FAFSA, you'll want to register for an FSA ID. Both the student and a parent who appears on the FAFSA will need an FSA ID (if the parent is married and filed taxes separately, the parent's current spouse will also need an FSA ID). Head over to to secure your FSA ID now.
  • Be sure to complete the FAFSA on the official FAFSA website: The FAFSA is a free application, so no fee should ever be paid to submit the FAFSA to the schools of your choice.
  • The FAFSA will require information on the family (who's in the family and who's attending college) and finances (parent and student income and assets). It's helpful to have bank and investments statements on hand before sitting down to begin. The birth dates and Social Security numbers of any parents who appear on the FAFSA and the student will be required.
  • You'll be able to submit your FAFSA electronically to twenty schools. If you're applying to more than twenty schools, send your FAFSA to your first twenty, wait until you receive your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS)—usually sent about 3 days after FAFSA submission—and then re-submit your FAFSA to your additional schools.

Feel free to give us a call, (800) 449-MEFA (6332), or send us an email,, with any questions as you navigate the FAFSA. And remember to meet those college financial aid deadlines! Filing on time is the most important step.

Watch the Understanding the FAFSA webinar