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Career Path Tool with MEFA Pathway
Learn how students in grades 6-12 can use the Career Path tool in MEFA Pathway to explore incremental steps they might follow to reach a desired career by identifying stepping stone, similar, and advanced careers.
MEFA Pathway’s Activities for Middle School Students
Learn how Discovery Zone activities in MEFA Pathway promote early exploration and introduce students in grades 6-8 to potential career and postsecondary planning options.
Compare Colleges with MEFA Pathway
Learn how students in grade 9-12 can use the College Compare tool in MEFA Pathway to find colleges and universities that match their preferences and to help them build out a final college list.
Learn How to Create Goals and Strategies in MEFA Pathway
Learn how students in grades 6-12 can create, document, and update short and long-term academic, career, and personal goals and strategies in MEFA Pathway.
Transition from Middle to High School with MEFA Pathway
Learn about features available for students in grades 6-8 in MEFA Pathway, the importance of early exploration & discovery, and how this builds a strong foundation that helps students in the transition to high school.
MEFA Pathway Showcases MassTransfer's Cost-Saving Benefits
Learn how the MA State Benefits cost-savings feature in MEFA Pathway, MEFA’s free college and career planning portal, can benefit students and families by reducing the price they pay for college.
Search for Colleges and Build a College List with MEFA Pathway
Learn how students can use the College Search tool within MEFA Pathway, MEFA’s free college and career planning portal, to select specific criteria to search for colleges and build a solid college list.
Explore Your Future with Labor Market Info and Pathway
Learn how four new features in MEFA Pathway, MEFA’s free college and career planning portal, can show students how to use labor market information to help guide post-secondary planning.