College Options for This Fall
Will you be graduating from high school in the next month but haven’t yet made a plan for your future? That's okay! There are many education opportunities still available. Please join MEFA for a panel discussion with five higher education leaders in Massachusetts. Learn about colleges and programs where you can still enroll for Fall 2024 and about money available from the federal government and the Massachusetts Office of Student Financial Assistance to help you pay to attend a 2-year or 4-year college or university. Also hear about the resources available to help you complete the FAFSA and make a plan for your future. You are worth it!
The College Planning Process for Undocumented Students
While undocumented students face many barriers to college, it is still possible for them to get a college education. This webinar, presented with Andrea Keenan of Excel Academy, address up-to-date immigration policies and eligible and ineligible statuses for federal student aid. We also examine the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) application process and its benefits. Learn about admissions standards at both public and private universities and how to maximize credits and time for DACA and undocumented students through dual-enrollment and concurrent enrollment opportunities across states, high schools, and community colleges. Scholarship resources will also be shared, pointing you directly to both state and national organizations at the forefront of this highly discussed topic.
College Planning for Middle School Families
If you have a child in middle school, now is the perfect time to start thinking about college (it's never too early!). This webinar covers the many reasons to attend college, how to prepare academically, the basics of college cost and financial aid, and different ways to save. Download the webinar slides to follow along.
Making the Most of College Fairs
College fairs can help with exploring college options. Located in various venues across the country, college fairs offer students and their families the opportunity to learn about a large number of colleges and universities all in one place. Before heading to a college fair, hear our tips in order to make the most of the opportunity. Tips include learning which colleges will be at the fair, finding out which colleges fit your preferences, preparing questions for the admissions representatives, exchanging contact information for further correspondence with the school, reviewing the event map, attending additional sessions, and allowing yourself time to browse.
 What to Do If You're on a Waitlist
Were you placed on a college’s waitlist? There’s some actions you can take now, such as formally accepting the spot, providing the school with updated grades or awards, letting the college know they’re your top choice, and depositing at a school you’ve been accepted to.
El proceso universitario para los estudiantes indocumentados
A pesar de los muchos obstáculos que enfrentan para ir a la universidad, los estudiantes indocumentados pueden acceder a la educación superior. En este seminario web presentado en español por Andrea Keenan, de la Excel Academy, se explicarán las reglas más recientes de inmigración, así como los estados migratorios elegibles y no elegibles para la Ayuda Federal al Estudiante. También se examinará el proceso de solicitud de DACA (Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia o Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, en inglés) de 2012 y sus beneficios. Se explicarán las normas de admisión a las universidades públicas y privadas, y cómo maximizar los créditos y el tiempo para los estudiantes con DACA e indocumentados aprovechando las oportunidades de inscripción doble y simultánea en diferentes estados, escuelas secundarias y colegios universitarios municipales. Se compartirán recursos de becas y vínculos directos a organizaciones estatales y nacionales que están a la vanguardia de este tema tan debatido. Descargar diapositivass .
Learn about MassHire Young Adult Career Center Services
MassHire is an organization available to help young adults who are ready to take their career aspirations to new heights. This webinar, with presenters from both the Downtown Boston and Lowell MassHire centers, provides an overview of MassHire’s comprehensive career program designed exclusively for young adults 18-24 years old. Whether someone is just starting out or looking to advance in a chosen field, MassHire’s services are tailored to help young adults build essential skills and achieve their career goals.
Attending College as a First-Generation Student
Two first-generation college graduates share their experiences with college, what they are most proud of, and their advice to other first-generation students.
Making a Plan for after High School
Did you just graduate from high school and are wondering how to make a plan for your future? Join us for this webinar! We explain how to use MEFA Pathway, a free college and career planning website, to learn about colleges and careers and determine your next steps. MEFA Pathway is full of fun and interactive tools to help you discover what you enjoy, where you excel, and how these characteristics of YOU can be used to build your plan for the future.
Careers for Recent High School Grads
Did you just graduate from high school? Wondering what your next step is? Join us for this webinar! Learn about non-degree programs at Massachusetts community colleges that can lead to exciting careers. These programs can help you determine a career path and plan for the future.