MEFA Pathway’s Get to Know Yourself tool features three fun and informative assessments that help students learn more about their interests, skills, and work values. Students can access the tool by creating an account at
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MIFA Pathways Get to Know Yourself tool features three fun and informative assessments that help you learn about your interests, skills, and work values. To access the tool, students should visit mifapathway. org and log in or create an account. Once logged in, students should click on Get to Know Yourself under the Discover Careers tab to view the assessments.
The interest assessment lets you explore your interests and personality traits by reviewing activities and rating how much you enjoy each one. Your results will show your top three interest areas and careers that match up with them. The work values assessment helps you discover traits you value in the workplace by viewing statements and then ranking them from most important to least important.
Your results will show the top three qualities you value in the workplace and associated job type. The skills assessment helps you identify the skills you’ve been developing both inside and outside the classroom and the level of experience you have with each skill. Your results will show you which skills you have the most experience with and careers related to each skill.
Explore these assessments to learn more about yourself and potential careers. Visit MifaPathway. org to create an account and get started.