MEFA Pathway's My Budget Activity

Middle school students can practice money management by exploring MEFA Pathway’s My Budget activity. This activity helps students learn how to create a budget, and is perfect for students who have a summer job and want to track their income and expenses. Students can visit to create an account and start using the tool.


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[00:00:00] Middle school students can practice money management by exploring MIFA Pathways My Budget activity. This activity helps students learn how to create a budget based on their needs and wants and track their income and expenses. To get started, students should visit mifapathway. org and log in or create an account.

Once logged in, they should navigate to My Budget under the Pay for College tab. Before creating their budget, students can review the rules of budgeting to help them learn to allocate money for needs, wants, and savings, and review the sample monthly budget provided. Students can use the monthly budget calculator to design their own budget, record their monthly income, and track their monthly expenses.

Students can also enter custom items such as saving for a trip. Students can visit MIFAPathway. org to start using this helpful budgeting tool.

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