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Resource Center MEFA Pathway’s Now Trending Activity
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Resource Center MEFA Pathway’s Now Trending Activity

MEFA Pathway’s Now Trending Activity

MEFA Pathway’s Now Trending Activity

MEFA Pathway’s Now Trending activity shows you the top trending skills and occupations in today’s market, and the companies that are hiring. Use the tool by creating a free account at

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[00:00:00] Let’s talk about the now trending activity available to students in MIFA Pathway. This activity allows students to explore the most in demand skills and occupations in today’s job market and the companies that are hiring for these occupations. To try out this activity, students should visit mifapathway.

org and log in or create an account. Once logged in, click on investigate your future under the discover careers tab and the now trending activity will appear as the first available feature. Within the Now Trending activity, students can find current careers and skills that are in demand and filter by state and career category to tailor the list of results.

Once students have filtered the list to match their preferences, they can learn more about each career by clicking on it, and if the students are interested, The career can be added to their My Careers list. Students can also view companies hiring for this career on LinkedIn, explore jobs related to this career using the Career [00:01:00] Path feature, and favorite any career.

Within their skills results, students will see a highlighted blue circle next to any of the skills listed in their My Profile. The Now Trending activity is a great way to learn about any career. in demand career options and a location that interests you. Visit MIFAPathway. org and create an account to get started.