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Resource Center MEFA Pathway’s Work-Based Learning Feature
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Resource Center MEFA Pathway’s Work-Based Learning Feature

MEFA Pathway’s Work-Based Learning Feature

MEFA Pathway’s Work-Based Learning Feature

School counselors, have you explored the new Work-Based Learning feature in MEFA Pathway? This feature enables you to create and display a database of employment-related opportunities for your students, making it easy for them to discover internships, job shadow opportunities, guest speakers, and more. Get started by logging in to the counselor portal at

Hi, I’m Apelila Joseph, and I’m here to talk about MEFA Pathways Work Based Learning feature, which enables high schools to create and display a database of employment related opportunities for their students.

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[00:00:00] Hi, I’m Apelila Joseph, and I’m here to talk about MEFA Pathways Work Based Learning feature, which enables high schools to create and display a database of employment related opportunities for their students. The feature allows students to discover internships, explore job shadow opportunities, find guest speakers, and learn about other work related experiences.

Students can save experiences of interest to their My Opportunities list. On the My Opportunities page, students can update the status of each opportunity. including their intention to attend or if they have applied or been hired. For each opportunity in which they participate, students can create their own My Plan, which enables them to set goals and evaluate their skill growth through midpoint and final evaluations.

Student progress is shared with the educator at their school overseeing work based learning experiences. Educators can get started posting their school’s opportunities by visiting mefapathway. org and [00:01:00] logging into the counselor portal. Under the tools section, They can select work based learning to set up their school’s database.

From there, educators should click Add New to add a new work based learning opportunity. Educators will be prompted to enter all relevant information for the work based learning experience and should be sure to answer all required fields. Opportunity Name, Description, Eligibility Criteria, Type, Career Category, Location, Company or Organization Name, and View Status.

Clicking Submit will add the opportunity to the school’s database. On the next screen, educators can add additional documents by clicking Add Attachment. Or, if there is nothing to add, click Return to List. Check out MEFA Pathways work based learning feature by visiting MEFApathway. org.