MEFA Loans
MEFA's Associate Director of College Planning and Content Creation Jonathan Hughes explains how to apply for a MEFA Loan, what options are available, and when repayment begins.
College Gifting
Did you know that friends and family members can contribute directly to your college savings account? With more money in the account to invest and earn returns, your savings have the potential to grow faster to help you reach your goals. MEFA's Associate Director of College Planning Jonathan Hughes explains how you can set up gifting for the U.Fund College Investing Plan and the U.Plan Prepaid Tuition Program.
Why Save for College?
Even if you understand the importance of saving for college, it can be challenging to start the process. And many people fear that if they can't pay for all of college with savings, it's not worth it to try. MEFA's Associate Director of College Planning Jonathan Hughes explains why saving is important, how the cost of college might not be as high as you think, how savings can reduce the need to borrow, and why saving for college sends a message to a child.
What is a 529 Plan?
Any way that you can save for college is a good way, but 529 plans were specifically created to save for college and have tax advantages. MEFA's Associate Director of College Planning Jonathan Hughes explains how to set up a 529 account, how the money is invested, where the funds can be used, and which expenses the funds cover.
MEFA Institute: Search for Colleges with MEFA Pathway
Learn how students can use the College Search tool within MEFA Pathway, MEFA’s free college and career planning portal, to select specific criteria to search for colleges and build a solid college list.
MEFA Institute: Create & Update a Resume with Pathway
Learn how students can build and update a resume with MEFA Pathway, MEFA’s free college and career planning portal.
Origination Fees
If you're considering borrowing a loan to pay for college, make sure to look at any additional fees you may be charged. One common fee is the origination fee, a one-time fee charged to the borrower for the cost of processing the loan.
Repayment Term
If you're considering borrowing a loan to pay for college, make sure you understand your repayment term, the length of time that you have to repay a loan. Repayment terms vary, and most repayment terms cannot be extended.
4 Experts on Jump Starting College Admissions
This webinar for families of rising high school seniors help you map out your summer when it comes to the college admissions process. Hear from four college admissions experts, Andrew Carter of the College of the Holy Cross, Kate Guertin of Dickinson College, Caitlin Provost of Texas Christian University, and Ed Seero of UMass Lowell, who will share guidance on how you can spend your time this summer, research and visit colleges, and start the college essay. They also break down college admissions myths and share many pearls of wisdom. This webinar is not to be missed!
Set Up Automatic Deposits for Your MEFA U.Plan Account
In this video tutorial, you'll be walked through the steps of setting up automatic deposits for the MEFA U.Plan Prepaid Tuition Program. If you're already saving in the MEFA U.Plan, setting up automatic deposits means you don’t have to worry about remembering to make a contribution.