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Resource Center The Anniversary of ABLE
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Resource Center The Anniversary of ABLE

The Anniversary of ABLE

The Anniversary of ABLE

ABLE accounts were established thanks to the ABLE Act, enacted on December 19, 2014 to help individuals with disabilities save for qualified expenses without impacting their access to federal public benefits. Find out how you can save in Attainable®, the Massachusetts ABLE Plan offered by MEFA and managed by Fidelity Investments. And learn more about Attainable® in our video here.

Hi, my name’s Adam Hartwell, and today I’d like to talk to you a little bit about Attainable®. On December 19th of 2014, the Stephen Beck Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience, or ABLE Act, was signed into law. This legislation established tax-advantaged 529A savings accounts, called ABLE accounts. These programs allow eligible individuals with disabilities to save for qualified expenses without impacting their access to federal public benefits.

Forty six states across the country offer ABLE plans, and MEFA is very proud to serve as the sponsor for the Massachusetts ABLE plan, Attainable®, which is available nationwide and professionally managed by Fidelity Investments. We look forward to continuing to provide education and advocacy about this life-changing program.

To learn more, please visit