In this January 2023 webinar, learn how students in grades 6-12 can use the Popular Places tool in MEFA Pathway, MEFA’s free college and career planning portal, to determine the locations across the United States where the highest concentration of jobs and skills are needed.
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[00:00:00] Welcome to the MEFA Pathway Learning Series. My name is HS Dhar and I’m here for MEFA. I serve as the MEFA Pathway Program coordinator. MEFA is the State Authority created in 1982. Committed to helping families plan, save, and pay for college Now as an extension of MEFA is MEFA Pathway. MEFA Pathway is a free college and career planning platform for students in Massachusetts.
Serving grades six through 12. Let’s get started. I am logged into Zoe’s account. We can see that Zoe is an 11th grade student, and [00:01:00] this is Zoe’s dashboard now to think about. How to get to popular places, which we’ll be talking about today. I’m gonna first select Discover Careers, next to Create Profile, and next to Build Career Plan.
Next, what I’m going to do is select Investigate your Future. Now the Investigate Your Future features four different fun, exciting activities, all designed to help students think about labor market information and labor market data. For example, students will be able to see jobs that are in demand.
They’ll be able to view jobs across the US, which has the highest concentration based upon industry. They’ll also be able to see. Which path they’ll be wanting to, uh, pursue [00:02:00] via the career path. And last but not least, they’ll also be able to view now trending and these future companies that have, are currently trending and the skills that relate as well.
So I’m going to select. Under popular places, I’m going to select Go, and today we’ll be talking about with popular places, we’ll be showing showcasing how popular places can be used and also how students can incorporate popular places into their everyday college and career planning success.
So the first thing that students will want to do once they get to popular places is first to be able to either, um, read exactly what they’ll be doing with popular places or they can [00:03:00] select get started. So we’ll just get started and with popular places. As mentioned before, students can utilize coupler places to view the highest concentration of jobs.
Skills, they can filter by career, category, and occupation. So for example, I’m going select nursing. And then we can see that for nursing and just as an occupation for having all healthcare, including nursing occupations, selected that across the US that there are greater than 10,000 jobs available that pertain to nursing.
But maybe you’re working with a student that wants to narrow down their research a bit more, and let’s say they’re still interested in nursing, but maybe they’re interested in, uh, chiropractors.[00:04:00]
So we can see that there aren’t a lot of jobs currently available in terms of, um, for that particular occupation in, um, Delaware, there are less than 500 jobs. Um, maybe we wanna work with, uh, student that they’re interested in a different, um, career category. And we can see that by changing the career category, we can see that across the US there are some jobs there are greater than 10,000 jobs in some states.
Um, between 20 505,000 jobs in Wyoming and between 5,000 to 10,000 jobs, um, in other places as well. Students also can select on a state and view the careers that were, [00:05:00] um, that are currently in, uh, demand as well. So for Massachusetts, these are the careers, top 10 careers currently that pertain, again, that pertain to, uh, finance as the category and all finance occupations.
Once a student selects on the state, they can view the careers. They also have a variety of options. They can to my right, select on the magnifying glass, and this will allow them to search for jobs on LinkedIn, or they can view the career path, or they can also select a heart to favorite it. So if a student is interested in any of their these careers, they can select a career, say financial managers, and they’ll be able to view more information via the career [00:06:00] card about that particular path.
So they can see the education level. They’ll be able to see income information as well as projected growth. Then they’ll be able to view more information about a career and save this career to the, to their list. So we’ll just save this particular career. If a student saves a career to their list, they can also remove a career as well by easily selecting the Remove this career button directly from proper places.
Definitely encourage students to take the popular places activity as many times as they would like and as many times because then they’re able to really see. Ideally the career and occupation that they might be interested in. And where across the US has those jobs [00:07:00] available. So maybe they want to work in a industry such as human resources or maybe they’re interested in information technology, again, encourages your students to, uh, filter by.
Occupations just to get an idea of where across the, the US again is available for jobs and students, again can select, um, state and view jobs as well. And one last thing I’ll mention is the data, the labor and market data available for popular places, as well as all the other, um, activities within Investigate Your Future are realtime activities, and they are sourced directly from Burning Glass Technologies.
So definitely encourage your students to come to investigate your future and utilize popular places to view high. [00:08:00] Highest concentration jobs and skills. Thank you for attending this EHA Pathway Learning Series. If you have any questions about EFA Pathway or you, or please feel free to email us at [email protected].
Also, you can get in touch with Mefa at 1 804 4 9 6 3 3 2. As always, definitely feel free to follow us on social media. Mefa can be found on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram. Thank you and have a great day.