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Resource Center MyCAP Curriculum Guide Grade 8
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Resource Center MyCAP Curriculum Guide Grade 8

MyCAP Curriculum Guide Grade 8

MyCAP Curriculum Guide Grade 8

MyCAP Curriculum Guide
Grade 8

This MyCAP Curriculum Guide outlines suggested activities in MEFA Pathway that tie into the objectives identified within the three MyCAP domains: personal social fulfilment, career development and education, and academic planning. Learn more about our MyCAP Curriculum Guides.


Personal Social Career Development Education Academic College & Career Planning

  • Develop strong decision-making skills
  • Identify the skills and behaviors necessary for success in high school

  • Research the details related to careers of interest, such as salary,
    required education, and needed skills
  • Create a career action plan for a career of interest
  • Understand the process for accessing a part-time job

  • Understand the vocabulary used and opportunities available in high school and align choices with career interests, such as course of study, AP and EC, schedules, credits, MEFA Pathway, work-based learning, and extracurricular
  • Pass all middle school courses
MEFA Pathway Lesson Plans
  • Discuss the differences between needs vs. wants and impulsive vs.
    thoughtful decisions
  • Write a reflection on differences and personal changes and upload it to My Journal
  • Complete a Capstone Project: Identify a primary career of interest and prepare a presentation highlighting how it aligns to your interests, strengths and talents, further training and education required, salary range, and skills needed. Include steps to take in high school, such as courses to enroll in, work-based learning opportunities to explore, and extracurricular activities to participate in
  • Complete a sample job application for a summer job
  • Develop a four-year academic plan for high school, upload it to MEFA Pathway, and update it in the fall of Grade 9
  • Identify two academic goals to achieve in Grade 9

*Indicates lesson plan coming soon